Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Norfolk Centre will take place at East Tuddenham Jubilee Hall, NR20 3LR
on Sunday 5th October 2025 at 14.00
Such motions will be published at rallies prior to AGM Copies of such motions will be available by post.
Nominations for Executive Officers and Committee (who must be a registered member of the Norfolk Centre and be nominated by registered members), must be received, by post or email, by the Centre Secretary, Mrs Tracey Sewell, not later than 14 days before the meeting. Incomplete or late nominations cannot be accepted. Notice of motion must be received, in writing, 35 days before the meeting.
Only members and family members who have registered with the Secretary as Norfolk members (35 days before the AGM and listed on the C.C. nominal roll) are entitled to speak or vote, although the Club bylaws do not forbid the admission of wives/husbands/partners and other members’ families.
Anyone wishing to be notified of the Motion must send a SAE to the Secretary not less than FOURTEEN DAYS before the Annual General Meeting.
Minutes of the previous AGM will be available from TWENTY ONE DAYS prior to the AGM. These will be sent upon receipt of a large SAE or by personally contacting the Secretary.
Please note that a current membership card must be shown by each lead, joint or family member in person before any ballot paper is issued.