Chairman’s welcome

Hello and welcome to the Norfolk Centre 2024 season.

Following two years as your Vice Chairman, I feel very honoured and privileged to be now serving as your Chair. I hope my experiences as a committee member and event marshal will assist me to step up to the challenges ahead. Talking of challenges, I would like to say thank you to our past Chairlady, Shirley Capes. In 2021, Shirley became our Centre Chair and saved our Centre from going into hibernation, she lead us through a worrying period and enabled us to celebrate our 50th year celebrations.

I would also like to extend a huge thank you to our current Centre Committee; Bob Davis-Vice Chairman, Linda Davis-Centre Treasurer, Ian Lindsay-Rally Secretary, Dom Zagni-Plaque Officer, Sandra Lindsay-Merchandising Officer, newly appointed Ian Denwood-Committee Member and to my wife, Centre Secretary Tracey Sewell for all her effort, time and hard work in keeping not just the Committee on the straight and narrow but also me in line.

Our first focus is the existing Centre website which does not offer some of the services we now require. So, to keep up with the times, we would like a new user-friendly website that will offer online bookings and payment. Using this method will enable booking to be easier and more consistent, assist the marshals and also aid the Treasurer with the financial side of things. We also have not forgotten about our members who may not have access to the internet and will still offer an alternative method of booking. We will however, continue to encourage cashless payments as this is a more secure method for payment.

Our Rally Secretary is currently working hard compiling our events programme for 2024 although sadly, we have fewer events than previous years. To give our members more choice, we will be advertising some invitation events from other centres. As said, many times before, I cannot stress how desperately we need more members to come forward and run events. If you are interested, please speak to our Rally Secretary or any committee member for assistance. There will always be plenty of help from both committee and experienced marshals and as already mentioned, the new website will make the administrative side of things much easier. Sourcing new venues and seeking ideas for rallies is something else we need help with too. Whilst mentioning events, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our past and present marshals who give up their time, to run events voluntarily so that we can attend enjoyable, value for money time away.

In addition to marshals, we are also seeking new committee members to bring fresh ideas to the Centre and share the workload of the existing committee. Our meetings are held monthly, online using Zoom, which means no travelling to meetings, and therefore very convenient in our busy lives. We are a friendly bunch who wish to see the Norfolk Centre flourish. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact any committee member including myself.

Finally, Tracey and I look forward to seeing many of you at our Centre events and encourage you to support your Norfolk Centre Committee and marshals.

Wishing you a happy 23/24 season.