Meet the Centre Officers and Committee

Vice Chair: Bob Davis
Vice Chair: Bob Davis

Telephone: 07704151064
Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Tracey Sewell
Secretary: Tracey Sewell

Telephone: 07722 463733
Email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Linda Davis
Treasurer: Linda Davis

Telephone: 07887985743 Email:[email protected]

Dom Zagni : Plaque Officer
Dom Zagni : Plaque Officer

Telephone: 01603 631400 Mobile: 07899 898181 Email: [email protected]

Facebook Moderators: Tracey & Graham Sewell
Facebook Moderators: Tracey & Graham Sewell

Telephone: 01406 490246 Mobile: 07505 657525
Email: [email protected]

Equipment Officer: Dom Zagni
Equipment Officer: Dom Zagni

Telephone: 01603 631400 Mobile: 07899 898181 Email: [email protected]

Committee Officer: N/A
Committee Officer: N/A


Committee Officer: N/A
Committee Officer: N/A
